A Rebuttal

I never in my life, not once, ever envisioned a speech by an American President against an eerie red background in the night (which can only be called SATANIC) wherein he called half the country a threat to democracy and where he said, “we will eradicate this cancer”, meaning those people. Never. I felt chills as it happened, and not in a good way. I felt the world change. The American Republic entered an open civil conflict at that point, whether hot or cold, it’s real now. We’ve been called, quite literally, enemies of the State.

As a Christian, this isn’t exactly new, despite America being founded by Judeo-Christian men. Ever since Christ was born and King Herrod sent spies to hunt down and kill the baby, governments have tried to suppress and kill Christians.

Before I get into my main content, I want to address something. Everyone on the right is saying “don’t say or do anything; don’t take the bait”. That would seem good counsel, given what we’ve seen, but it’s not in my nature. It shouldn’t be in any Christian’s nature, but I’ll get to that. If we continue to hide away and not make waves, they’ll keep taking away our rights until we eventually end up as slaves anyway. Slavery later over slavery now is a stupid choice. In fact, Paul had this to say:

It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.

Galatians 5:1

Earlier in the day, the Press Secretary said that anyone who doesn’t hold the majority opinion is an extremist. That’s directly in violation of our First Amendment rights to speak freely, and to petition our government for the redress of grievances.

You see, I believe that Principles Matter. Yes, it’s easier to “not take the bait”, and to “not make waves”, but that is yet again just another form of slavery. I believe, as I’m sure most of you do, that America is the last, best hope for the world, AS LONG AS we support and defend the Constitution of the United States. Bending it to target our political enemies, on either side, is wrong. Standing on principle REQUIRES that we not cower in fear.

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I am convicted by my Faith, which compels me to DO SOMETHING:

If anyone, then, knows the good they ought to do and doesn’t do it, it is sin for them.

James 4:17

Now, Agent Johanson, I’m not saying we must take kinetic action; I am saying that we must not cower on our couches. I’m going to go on gathering intelligence on far-left groups and events, I’ve taken a leadership role with a political action group, and I am going to continue to arrange protection details for conservative figures. I will actually increase training people on how to prepare and communicate. Does this put me at risk? I guess so.

BUT – I will NOT sit down and shut up. Tonight’s speech was meant as a warning, just as the Press Secretary’s comments and the FBI’s charging of literally anyone who can find January 6th on a calendar. They’re meant to tell you to sit down and shut up. I will NOT. You should NOT.

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If we continue to allow only a small minority to speak up and hope for someone to “fix this” via a magic wand, they will continue to pick us off, one by one. Until we all stand and say NO, this will continue and only get WORSE. You aren’t preventing a conflict by inaction; you are delaying it.

I know, the government is all powerful, right? The Former Vice President reiterated his threats of F-15s and tanks. I draw my guidance from Patrick Henry:

They tell us, sir, that we are weak; unable to cope with so formidable an adversary. But when shall we be stronger? Will it be the next week, or the next year? Will it be when we are totally disarmed, and when a British guard shall be stationed in every house? Shall we gather strength by irresolution and inaction? Shall we acquire the means of effectual resistance, by lying supinely on our backs, and hugging the delusive phantom of hope, until our enemies shall have bound us hand and foot? Sir, we are not weak if we make a proper use of those means which the God of nature hath placed in our power.

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The President tonight already laid the groundwork: He said that the “MAGA Republicans” are working to steal the 2022 and 2024 elections. This means that any loss by the Democratic Party will be treated as a stolen election and overturned. Make no mistake, he told you that plainly tonight. The United States effectively went to one-party rule tonight.

The President also stated that the same forces are planning acts of violence. Never mind that the far left is actively conducting violence. These comments tonight, coupled with the “leaked” videos of Patriot Front training, and the repeated comments about threats against the FBI should alert you that “something” is about to happen, which will be attributed to the “MAGA Republicans”, just like the Smollett attack (and probably as real). It’s not an exaggeration, we are in real danger.

America is the last best, hope for freedom on the planet. Will you cower at home, or will you get active, organize, volunteer on a campaign, or do literally anything but complain on Twitter? This is our moment, not theirs.

They are AFRAID, that’s why they are threatening you. This whole “we should not say or do anything” attitude plays right into their hands. No, don’t go out and get violent, but MAKE YOUR VOICE BE HEARD.

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It would also be prudent, having heard what he said tonight, to PREPARE. Organize a team (my Contacts & Notes book is great for this), gather your supplies of food and water for the tough times ahead, and start training. Get used to outdoor living and start walking a lot. If someone says that they are at war with you, you should prepare even if it’s only to defend yourself.

Now, I already know that my family will be worried about this post and what could happen because I spoke up, but I will NOT sit in the kitchen 20 years from now explaining to my grandchildren that it’s better to choose safety than to speak up. I will NOT set the example of cowardice in the face of a formidable foe or danger.

The craziest part is, I wasn’t even a MAGA Republican. I wasn’t a Donald Trump voter in 2016 (voted Libertarian). While I liked his policies, he was too sensitive and too willing to compromise, and made some terrible policy decisions. Guess what, though? I am one now. That speech, by its threatening tone, pushed me into that camp. Unapologetically so.

Friends, my point is this…resist the temptation on both sides. Don’t go do something illegal and violent, because that’s playing into their hand, but so is cowering at home and laying low. Get out, get active, and start taking back local, county, and state governments. If we do that, we make the federal government largely irrelevant in our day to day lives.

Long live the Republic.

I DID solemnly swear to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic, so help me God. A man must fulfill any Oath he swears before God.

If a man vows a vow to the Lord, or swears an oath to bind himself by a pledge, he shall not break his word. He shall do according to all that proceeds out of his mouth.

Numbers 30:2

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Published by JD

I am the author of the Tactical Wisdom Series. I am a personal protection specialist and a veteran of the US Marine Corps. I conduct preparedness and self-defense training.

10 thoughts on “A Rebuttal

  1. Your words are articulate, cogent and stirring… and every single one rings true for me as well…even the oath. I did not watch him but saw it because Tucker Carlson had it playing in the background in real time. I was stunned at the devilish pageantry. I knew his words would be ridiculous and so I would wait for the written report.
    I have written letters to this “president” in the recent past and one email. Polite but pointed letters. I have also sent letters via websites to my elected representatives and received the most ridiculous hogwash in return or just silence.
    You know they truly must be scared to put out this vitriol. I say, fine. We will continue to work towards reclaiming our government from these heinous henchmen of the unknown puppet master. And we should stand up and declare that his speech was not only vituperative, but will not be tolerated. Absolutely unconscionable. Thank you for saying what needs to be said and I am forwarding this to everyone I know regardless of their political affiliations as everyone should know your words. Thank you.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Ann Vandersteel, a US Constitutional expert has stated: that constitutional law is above the statutory law of the government bureaucrats and that the government is created by the people through statutory law.

        Now contrast the difference between how the B’hag, Rif and Rosh halachic codes differ from the Rambam, Tur, and Shulkan Aruch halachic codes – Common Law as opposed to statute law. The latter makes no distinction if a halacha comes from a Mishna or Gemarah source. The Gemara learns the Mishna as Common Law. I submit to you that Rabbi Yechuda named his Mishna based upon דברים having a second name משנה תורה, and that this 2nd name means: Common Law.

        The Baali Tosafot commentary exists as a Common Law commentary on the Talmud. Because the Gemara commentary to the Mishna, the latter continues the Mishnaic Common law. The Mishna – a Case/Rule system of Common Law. The Difficulty/Answer style of the Gemara reflects the Prosecutor/Defense role of a 3-man Torts court.

        The Capital Crimes Sanhedrin courts likewise split into a Prosecution and Defense organization. The opposing judges argued their prospective case in order to persuade an opposing justice of the court to switch sides. If no justice switched from prosecutor to defence or vice versa, then the Nassi would decide the Case. When I sat as a Sanhedrin judge in Jerusalem, my rabbinic peers did not understand the “Order” of a Sanhedrin courtroom. They wanted to base that court upon a Rambam “statute law” model!

        The Yeshiva world fails to address that publication of the Rambam halachic code threw the Jewish world into total anarchy and chaos. The Spanish rabbis highly assimilated to the recent discovery of ancient Greek philosophy. Sa’adiah Gaon too embraced and assimilated to the recent rediscovery of ancient Greek philosophy.

        Contrast the Hannukah story. The Perushim rejected Greek culture, specifically the logic developed by Plato and Aristotle. The Tzeddukim, like the later Spanish rabbis (Ezra’s son converted to Islam) highly assimilated to ancient Greek philosophy. I submit that Maccabeans dedicated the lights of Hannukah – to interpret the Written Torah restricted to Common Law precedents. I can prove that any sugia ס, or parek פ in the Chumash can learn directly from the משנה תורה of the Oral Torah Book of דברים.

        Order סדר defines both the Siddur and the Sha’s Mishna. Common law completely different from Roman statute law. The Rambam code – – bases itself on an Arabic/Greek statute law system. The Rambam based his halachic code, as did Sa’adiah Gaon upon the Arabic numerical system. Arab philosophers, how they learned Aristotle’s logic format, highly influenced both assimilated scholars!

        What causes antisemitism? Jewish assimilation and intermarriages, emphasized in the Book of Ezra. The Torah through a direct negative commandment forbids assimilation to any culture or customs of Goyim who do not recognize the revelation of the Torah at Sinai & Horev. The generation of Shoah Jewry, what percentage of assimilation describes that generation lost?

        The beit din of Rabbenu Jonah placed the Rambam into charem and burned his books in Spain in the early 1230s. In 1242 the king of France and the Pope burned all the Talmud in Paris. The Civil War between the Common Law Jewish scholars vs the Statute Law Jewish scholars best identified between the Rosh and his son the Baali Turim.

        The halachot within the Common Law codes of the B’hag, Rif, and Rosh – – they serve as precedents to study and learn the expansive nature of the language of the Mishna. That’s why those common law scholars always open with a Mishna before bringing the Gemara precedents of הלכה למעשה. Assimilated Rambam’s code, despite having the name משנה תורה, his code bases its halachic rulings upon Roman statute law. The difference between British vs French and German law. British courts – common law; French and German courts – Roman statute law.

        The Almoravids invasion of Spain in 1086. Followed by the Crusade war crimes in Germany, clearly enhanced Jewish chaos and anarchy, in 1096. The Rambam Civil War followed this absolute disaster. The chaos and anarchy which divided Jewry, invited as a consequence foreign intervention. Just as has happened in Syria, Libya, Iraq, and Afghanistan today!

        The Rambam code, first published in approximately 1180. That code burned in Spain in the early 1230s. All the Jews of England, expelled in the early 1290s. The school of Talmudic common law scholarship, the Baali Tosafot, all Jews expelled from France in 1306. The German kings impose taxation without representation upon all Jews in the German kingdoms. This destroys virtually all Jewish business in Germany. The church imposes the decree which imprisons all Western European Jewry to exist in ghetto prisons. A huge population transfer follows, 10s of thousands of Jews flee from Western Europe to Poland and the Ukraine.

        Following the victory of the statute law Rambam school over the French common law Baali Tosafot school, all Jewish scholarship made on the Talmud and halachic codes switched to statute law. From the Ron’s commentary to the Rif to all commentaries made on the Rambam Tur and Shulkan Aruch codes – all statute law.

        Compare this Civil War to the American Civil War which switched America from a Republic to a Democracy to the Jewish Civil War which switched Common Law to Statute Law! States rights economic autonomy and control over Senators and Congress persons sent to Washington to serve the interests of the States which sent them there … to Party discipline which determines how Congress persons and Senators vote on any and all Bills presented to Congress!

        Now recall how this letter opened: “Ann Vandersteel, a US Constitutional expert has stated: that constitutional law is above the statutory law of the government bureaucrats and that the government is created by the people through statutory law.”

        The difference between מלאכה and עבודה, the former a skilled labor. The Talmud of ראש השנה refers to the blowing of the shofar as a מלאכה/חכמה permitted on shabbat. The families of Levi who transported the Tent of the Mishkan by contrast referred to as simple labor/עבודה. Comparable to the עבודה of Egyptian slavery.

        Shabbat observance: Shabbat can mean both a day and also a week. In this sense, Shabbat compares to the Common vs. Statute law Civil War and to the States Rights vs. Political Party domination over elected officials sent to Washington Civil War. I submit that a person commits to not doing acts of מלאכה on the day of shabbat to not doing forbidden acts of עבודה on the 6 days of Chol/shabbat! This depth analysis the Rambam and all other statute law codes totally ignore! Just as most Americans today, oblivious to the distinctions between a Republic or a Democracy.

        Today Karen and I got married 25 years ago.


  2. Joe,
    I read all your entries in this blog, purchased editions of all your “Tactical Wisdom Series” books, have agreed with your stance and taken your advice to heart but have to challenge one thing you said in the first paragraph of this post.
    I watched part of the speech (couldn’t stomach watching the senile old man yell at me) and read the entire transcript, Biden did not say “we will eradicate this cancer”. He did say “We’re going to end cancer as we know it”, which is a ridiculous thing to say, especially in the context of the speech he gave.
    I’m challenging you on this because the speech was inflammatory enough on its own, we don’t need to add additional fans to the flame using false quotes, we’re better than that, you’re better than that!!

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Based on this video https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=XC-k-lhml4o at time segment 19:07 I respectfully beg to differ. Please post a link to the video where you heard him say “this cancer”. It isn’t present in the official transcript or the video linked above.
        I’m no expert, just a humble software engineer, but I don’t see anything that indicates the video was edited and that segment of the speech happened to be part of what I watched live.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Ok. I’ve been wrong. I’m not required to post any links nor are you. I’m going to, however, still consider the context of the speech. Beating actual cancer wasn’t what he meant. You are free to believe what you will.


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