Return to Self Sufficiency

We are sitting in beautiful NW Montana this morning.  NC Scout is up front teaching a radio communications class to help folks stay in touch when the normal methods fail.  That’s a first step down the road to self-sufficiency and it had me thinking this morning. 

NC Scout and I have been here a few days in the Bigfork/Kalispell area, interacting with locals and prepping for class.  For the most part, the folks who live NW Montana (and Alberta) are fairly self-sufficient, but after a while you develop a sense where can look at some people and say, “that group isn’t going to make it”.  We have to strive to get to the side that can rely on itself.

There is some Tactical Wisdom on this, that tells us that we need to plan and ask for His help, too:

In their hearts humans plan their course,

but the Lord establishes their steps.

Proverbs 16:9

The first step is to analyze your life and see where you rely on others.  For example, the average household in an urban area in the US has less than 48 hours’ worth of food in it.  It’s far too convenient to run to the store and “pick up stuff for dinner” that the average family doesn’t plan very far down the road.  This is a good place to start building self-sufficiency.  Pick up extra storable food whenever you can.  On a side note, this will also help you save money.  Dollar cost averaging is a thing and if you buy more food over time and store it against price spikes, you will end up ahead financially. 

The next area is your ability to gather information.  I’ve been an investigator for many years and the basic process of investigation is the same as it is for intelligence gathering (despite what some online intelligence guys want to say).  The process is to gather as much information as possible from varied sources and then make a determination on the truth from multiple sources.  If you rely on a singe source for your news and information, you’re going to be in trouble.

As an example, I subscribe to both Forward Observer and Knightsbridge.  If both of them carry the same information, it’s a fair bet that it’s true.  Recently, a police department in Australia put a chilling statement, telling the SUBJECTS (they’re not citizens) that the police are the only source of truthful information in a particular case.  That should scare you – if the government says they are the only source for truth, you’re in a dangerous place.

In the US, this is more common than you think.  During an emergency event, most people listen to the government’s press conferences and accept that as Gospel.  However, by listening in on amateur radio conversations you’ll find information that directly contradicts this.  We’ve also had live streamers showing truth in Hawaii that contradicted the official narrative.

Learn to use radio.  You don’t have to become a Ham radio Extra Operator, but at least learn how to RECEIVE radio signals, particularly HF or “shortwave” radio.  In a true WROL situation or a full-on collapse, there will be people sharing news and information.  Like anything else, some of it will be wrong, rumor, or misinformation, but I’d rather have something to compare against the official narrative than just assuming the government is right.  NC Scout’s RTO Course and SIGINT Course are a good start.

If you are on prescription meds or reliant on OTC medications, develop a plan to build a stockpile so that you are less reliant on others.  Online pharmacies generally allow you to refill a 90-day script at 65-70 days to allow for shipping time.  If you do this as early as possible, you will quickly build a stockpile of extra meds.  You can also ask your doctor for samples for an emergency supply, and they will most likely help.  They’d rather you have it.  If at all possible, though, wean yourself off of any medications that aren’t absolutely required.

Another step to self-sufficiency is learning how to do things yourself.  This seems simple, but do you know how to build a fence?  Can you do a spot weld?  Can you fix a broken pipe?  These are all things you can learn by doing.  Make a list of skills and start learning.  You might even find it fun.

The ability to produce your own food is a super-power and, in all honesty, food has been used as a weapon to control people since time began.  Learn how to garden (if AOC can do it, you can too) and learn what wild foods are edible in your area.  Learn to hunt, trap, and fish.  These may not be hobbies you enjoy, but when the trucks stop putting pork and beef in your local store, you’re going to need to know how.

The area that a lot of people want to skip over and hope they never need is being self-sufficient in the area of security.  Once the police are no longer responding to calls (as we’re seeing in several cities NOW), crime won’t stop, it will get WORSE.  No amount of wanting to be left alone will keep you completely safe.  You need to learn some skills and develop a plan to provide for your own security and to contribute to community security.

First, learn some type of unarmed self-defense.  No, I’m going to recommend any particular style over another, but learn SOMETHING.  Having some type of unarmed self defense skills is better than having none.  It also builds confidence and a fighting spirit.  It will help with fitness too.

Next, develop a crew.  Get your like-minded folks together and make a real plan – not just “we’re going to protect each other”.  A good side note to this is that if you all live 30 minutes from each other, you can’t defend each other.  Take courses together to learn how to work as a team.  Yes, you need to go to classes together.  I really mean take someone else’s courses, like NC Scout’s Scout and Recce Courses.  Most groups who get together to train on weekends end up always training on the same 3 or 4 things like shooting drills or CQB, which are both mostly irrelevant.  Shooting is an individual skill that each person should develop on their own.  Team tactics in scouting, patrolling, security tasks, and the like are more important than learning to “clear a building”.  If, during a WROL situation, you end up having to defend or take a building, things have gone terribly wrong, and you need to be MOVING.  You’re not John Wick and this isn’t a movie so sit down, Jason Bourne.

We’re working on another area of self-sufficient living next weekend with my Fieldcraft Course.  Having the ability to move in a conflict zone safely, camp securely, and navigate without using technology will be very important.  Come to class.

I hope this article has given you some ideas to develop your own self-sufficiency.  The government HATES self-sufficient people, so do everything you can to be one.


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Published by JD

I am the author of the Tactical Wisdom Series. I am a personal protection specialist and a veteran of the US Marine Corps. I conduct preparedness and self-defense training.

2 thoughts on “Return to Self Sufficiency

  1. Wound care without having medical supplies is also well worth learning. Sooner or later, we will be forced to improvise. Present Day medical staff are very dependent on current technology to ply their craft. Old fashioned diagnoses with only a Merck manual is no longer done.


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