Books for the Christian Warrior

I have a rather extensive library at home and last Wednesday, a couple of my Every Man A Warrior Bible Study guys suggested I make a list of the books I recommend. Now, a Christian Warrior isn’t (necessarily) used in the literal sense. Any Christian man who wants to preserve our values and way of life can benefit from the these.

I’ll give a short paragraph or two description of each and why I think it will help. The photos are actually affiliate links where you can buy the books by clicking on the photo. I may make a penny or two off the link at no cost to you. These books are great guides.

First up, A Christian Manifesto by Francis A Schaeffer. First written in 1981, Dr. Schaeffer illustrates how we have shifted from our Judeo-Christian founding into a legalistic society that legally justifies abominations and sin. In the book, he lays out the foundation for returning this great nation (or any so conceived) to a Judeo-Christian based system. We must use our political power, make our voices heard, engage the legal system, and when necessary, physically protest via picketing and even resist the government that has lost it’s legitimacy.

He points out that the American Revolution was such a struggle. He also points out that the average German during WW2 SHOULD have resisted their illegitimate government that was lost its legitimacy by murdering millions. Resistance doesn’t always mean violence. Resistance could have meant hiding your Jewish neighbors.

Still relevant today, this is a good book and only 147 pages long. It’s a quick and thought-provoking read.

This one is a favorite of mine. I’ve owned one copy or another for over 20 years. This tome was originally written in 1501 by Erasmus in Rotterdam. Erasmus was the chief clerk at a fortress of a military order and a wife asked him to help improve her husband, a knight, who was a little rough around the edges. What Erasmus came up with was essentially the first Bible study for men.

It contains 22 Rules for the behavior and bearing of a Christian soldier. The book has all kinds of rules of chivalrous and gentlemanly behavior, as well the deportment and bearing of any military man. It warns us that as we do battle with and struggle with evil, we are at risk of falling into evil ourselves.

The first rule is against ignorance, and the second is to be ready at every moment to lose life and property. It’s a commitment we must make if we are to impact the world around us, but too many are afraid to.

It’s a bit hard to read as it’s written in King James-style English and the references are all King James. It’s definitely worth the read.

Another Every Man A Warrior leader recommended this book to me a few years back, and I was amazed that it even existed. Much like A Christian Manifesto, this book points out that America has turned from Christian values and, more importantly, personal liberty. Christians are being persecuted and silenced at every turn.

This book shows you ways in which you can genuinely live and share your faith in a world that hates you. You need to live out your faith IN SPITE OF the condemnation and hostility. It is truly a book that will enable you to fight back against each of the left’s tactics like divide and conquer, “capitalism is bad but socialism is good”, and all the other lies. It discusses how to push back against the sexualization of our children.

On that note – Here is our Tactical Wisdom for today:

If a man knows the good he ought to do and he does not do it, it will count as sin for him.

James 4:17

Written in 1925 by Ivan Ilyin, this book was the White Russian (Byelorussian) response to Count Tolstoy’s ideas on pacificism. Ilyin rightly points out that Tolstoy’s demands that Eastern Orthodox men not resist the Red Army in its fight against the White Army is what led to the destruction of Christianity and all religion in the newly founded USSR.

Ilyin states that all men must become “Knights” who resist evil by force when necessary and that it is a moral obligation to do so. He also points out that courage means doing so even in the face of fear of the legal consequences. “We must obey God rather than man” sounds familiar.

While the book was written specifically about resisting the Bolsheviks and was originally a White Russian Army handbook, it is equally relevant today as we face increasing oppression and condemnation. We must stand up for our Christian values because they are God’s values.

While this book is not strictly a Christian book, I included it because it contains a very well-presented chapter on the Catholic Just War Doctrine and applies it to civil conflict and resistance to an oppressive government. This book is outstanding from just that perspective.

The book also offers an outstanding guide to organizing, equipping, and training a band of resistance fighters. We would, of course (for the Feds reading), only be resisting a Chinese or Russian invasion.

This one is written by my friend Aden Tate, who I am reliably informed is the King of the South. Tate explains in here how being prepared is indeed Biblical. He also pushes back against common Christian arguments against prepping, like “If you trust in God, why are you prepping?” He also covers charity and a lot of other Christian concepts and what that looks like in a collapse or survival situation.

He discusses, unlike most, how to continue to witness to others in a crisis or collapse and what role a church community can have in these events. This is a brass-tacks how-to manual on how to organize your church to not just survive but thrive and be a force for good in world gone mad. It’s an outstanding book.

Finally, we have Nehemiah Strong. I think you all know that Nehemiah is one of my favorites. He established a lot of military doctrine that we still use today, like half the men work while half the force pulls security. He also established a lot of our post-collapse SOP, like when he reported that he and his men never went anywhere without weapons and armor and that everyone worked with a weapon in one hand.

John Dyslin creates an entire preparedness program here based on Nehemiah and a plan to retain your rights in the face of government overreach like we saw during Covid.

This book is a solid addition.

I hope this list gave you some ideas for books to build your library on. These books contain solid Christian doctrine and can give you some hope amidst the oppression and condemnation we face every day. Get these books, read them, and get off the couch.

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I leave you with the Knight’s Oath from Kingdom of Heaven:


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Published by JD

I am the author of the Tactical Wisdom Series. I am a personal protection specialist and a veteran of the US Marine Corps. I conduct preparedness and self-defense training.

3 thoughts on “Books for the Christian Warrior

  1. I have a copy of the Christian Manifesto coming in the next day or two.
    Just a couple of books I have here.
    Iron Sharpening Iron, by Paul D LeFavor.
    Omega Dynamics, by Jamie Walden.
    The Ryrie study Bible.

    If you would please how do I find your Locals page ?

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