Are You REALLY In?

I know a lot of people in the preparedness space. Some people are dead serious about it, some are not. The truth is, a lot of the folks allegedly into preparedness are actually just collectors and gear junkies, rather than actually into preparedness. How do I know? Well, I’m glad you asked, because it’s timeContinue reading “Are You REALLY In?”

Safety in Public – Immediate Actions

In the last couple of days, we’ve had some mass shootings (both stopped by good guys with guns), a lot of protests, and an explosion at Hoover Dam (they say it was a transformer). During this same period, we’ve seen Iran, Turkey, and Russia hold meetings as China threatened to shoot down Nancy Pelosi’s plane.Continue reading “Safety in Public – Immediate Actions”

Self-Defense is on Trial

As we are all watching the Kenosha Kid fight for his freedom, we need to understand that are bigger issues at stake and consider some things. The evidence that has come to light during the trial tends to indicate that charges never should have been filed, as this was a clear-cut case of self-defense. IfContinue reading “Self-Defense is on Trial”

First Aid Kits – AGAIN

Events of the last seven days have weighed on my heart and I feel the need to talk to you all again about first aid kits and what you need to have with you at all times. As I watched the incident at the Capitol unfold, I was shocked that NO ONE, not even theContinue reading “First Aid Kits – AGAIN”

First Aid Skills

Too often in the preparedness community, everyone wants to talk about guns and gear, but not skills.  When they do talk about skills, it’s usually firearm skills. I’ve had firearms and firearm skills just as long as I’ve have first aid supplies and first aid skills.  Guess which one I’ve used the most?  Like almostContinue reading “First Aid Skills”

Review – Highland Tactical Med Kit

When you talk to people about preparedness and readiness, they always want to discuss guns and ammunition, and maybe food.  The preparedness item you will use the most, almost daily, is a first aid kit and you will use it long before any major disaster hits.  As such, it’s often overlooked. A while back, inContinue reading “Review – Highland Tactical Med Kit”